Simply stated, the proper way to mitigate risk is to continually identify and expose hidden risks and have the right strategy and personnel in place to work to mitigate that risk.
Our expertise makes this painless as we validate 3rd party coverage before suppliers are hired and continually after they are working. Every Certrax analyst is proficient on the pertinent laws and procedures associated with 3rd party risk transfer.
Follow Up and Follow through - Our team continually follows up with vendors to address shortcomings in their insurance compliance, so you don't have to.
Finding time to contact vendors and brokers to secure insurance compliance literally can be a full time job. Project managers need solutions that both achieve this critical review and delineate which items need immediate action
Our dedicated team of analyst will do all the work to collect, notify and communicate with the insureds and/or their insurance brokers as per your specific requirements. The ultimate objective is to reduce risk and exposure to incurred claims using a proven process based approach.